Thursday, May 5, 2011

Room Remodel

If I were single or had a husband that didn’t care so much about the décor in our house, my color schemes would be so different.

We like darker colors. I’m ok with them. They are comforting and everything, but there is just something about having random splashes of color throughout the house that revitalize the soul.

You should see the playroom my sister has for her kiddos. It is bright blue. She’s planning on having Toy Story type clouds painted on the walls too. When you walk in the room, you can’t help but feel a little happier.

If I were by myself, I would have my neutrals, but in some rooms, I would have my greens, pinks, blacks, whites, purples, yellows etc.

Since that probably wouldn’t make Abel too happy, I choose to go with a more neutral green in our bedroom. I’m thinking green, black and cream/ivory (keeping in mind that our new bed and other furniture is black).

Here are some pictures that are inspiring our room remodel. Please excuse the crappy quality of some of the pictures. I took them on my phone and didn’t have the settings right.

I adore this idea the most.




The picture that inspired it all....doesn't it scream Life?! Photobucket



Wouldn't these be neat if they were in black against a cream colored wall?Photobucket

The bedset I am lusting's entirely too expensive though.Photobucket

So there you have it.....after hours upon hours of searching both in stores and online for our color scheme, we are sticking with boring old green. It'll turn out pretty nice though I sure.

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